How should I take ownership of the property I am buying?
This important question is one California real property purchasers ask their real estate, escrow and title professionals every day. Unfortunately, though these professionals may identify the many methods of owning property, they may not recommend a specific form of ownership, as doing so would constitute practicing law.
Because real property has become increasingly more valuable, the question of how parties take ownership of their property has gained greater importance. The form of ownership taken—the vesting of title— will determine who may sign various documents involving the property and future rights of the parties to the transaction. These rights involve such matters as: real property taxes, income taxes, inheritance and gift taxes, transferability of title and exposure to creditor’s claims. Also, how title is vested can have significant probate implications in the event of death.
The California Land Title Association (CLTA) advises those purchasing real property to give careful consideration to the manner in which title will be held. Buyers may wish to consult legal counsel to determine the most advantageous form of ownership for their particular situation, especially in cases of multiple owners of a single property.
The CLTA has provided the following definitions of common vestings as an informational overview only. Consumers should not rely on these as legal definitions. The Association urges real property purchasers to carefully consider their titling decision prior to closing, and to seek counsel should they be unfamiliar with the most suitable ownership choice for their particular situation.
1. Impersonation of the true owner of the land
2. Forged deeds, releases, etc.
3. Instruments executed under fabricated or expired power of attorney
4. Deeds delivered after death of grantor/grantee, or without consent of grantor
5. Deeds to or from defunct corporation
6. Undisclosed or missing heirs
7. Misinterpretation of wills
8. Deeds by persons of unsound mind
9. Deeds by minors
10. Deeds by illegal aliens
11. Deeds by persons supposedly single but secretly married
12. Birth or adoption of children after date of will
13. Surviving children omitted from will
14. Mistakes in recording legal documents
15. Want of jurisdiction of persons in judicial proceedings
16. Discovery of will of apparent intestate
17. Falsification of records
18. Claims of creditors against property sold by heirs or devisees
19. Deeds in lieu of foreclosure given under duress
20. Easements by prescription not discovered by a survey
21. Deed of community property recited to be separate property
22. Errors in tax records, e.g., listing payment against wrong property
23. Deed from a bigamous couple
24. Defective acknowledgements
25. Federal condemnation without filing notice
26. Corporation franchise taxes, a lien on all corporate assets
27. Erroneous reports furnished by tax officials
28. Administration of estates of persons absent but not deceased
29. Undisclosed divorce of spouse who conveys as consort’s heir
30. Marital rights of spouse purportedly, but not legally, divorced